Ecce Venio

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Holy Land Pilgrimage - The Seventh Day

Overview: The Temple, Basilica of St. Anne

The seventh day of our trip is, appropriately, a more restful day. We left the hotel at 8:30 to head to the Temple. We got to see the southern steps up which Our Lady and St. Joseph would have brought Our Lord for the Presentation. Though destroyed and rebuilt several times over the millenia, it still contains some of the original stones seen in the days of the Lord, including the steps. We then moved from the southern steps to the western wall, which is the area closest to where the Holy of Holies would have been where the glory of the Lord dwelt in ancient times. Drawing near to the wall to pray and place intentions, it is not the wall itself that is important but rather the promise of the Lord that this place would be His dwelling forever. May those seeking the Presence of God find it in the person of Jesus!

After a bite of lunch we began the last leg of our trip at the Pools of Bethesda and St. Anne’s home, the birthplace of Our Lady. A beautiful little chapel honoring Our Lady’s nativity was in the basement level of a beautiful church with acoustics that were absolutely amazing. We offered Mass in a chapel next door in the cloister area and then headed off for a quick shopping trip in the market. I helped myself to a coke, espresso, and double scoop of gelato. Now we head for our group’s last supper and then to the airport. And tomorrow: Home! Deo gratias!