Chaplain to the Bishop
As a deacon I was blessed to serve as Chaplain to the Bishop for Bishop Provost, who came to offer a Traditional Latin Mass at Notre Dame Seminary.

The Tomb of Peter
On a pilgrimage to Rome, we were blessed to secure the Clementine Chapel in the Crypt at St. Peter’s Basilica. On the other side of the altar is the Tomb of St. Peter. One of the highest privileges of my life. Thanks to my friend Sarah Beth for capturing it!

Fr. Clifford
From my incredible time serving the Church in East St. James Parish, this picture was taken at St. Peter Chanel School. Because when the Clifford costume shows up at the library, you can’t NOT try it on.

The Good Shepherd
My friend Chelsea and I were on the same bus for the March for Life pilgrimage to D.C. At a reststop along the way, Barnabus found his onto our bus. He loves the March and has been at least 5 or 6 times. Many great interactions and conversations have been had on his account. He spends the rest of the year on my bookshelf at the rectory.

Ask for It
Celebrating Mass on the altar with the relics of St. Gregory the Great, my confirmation saint. This is the trip where I learned sometimes you just ask for crazy things (like offer Mass on this altar) and they say yes.

I love being a priest and I love the LSU Fighting Tigers!

I was blessed to serve two summers as a counselor at Camp Chosatonga, a boys wilderness camp in Brevard, NC. Representing the camp with our standard pose in front of St. Peters.

Metal Priest
Sometimes you just have to put your hardcore head-banging mullet on and rock it around the St. George campus.

Sr. Trone du Roi
One of my firstborn! Sr. Trone was in the youth group at St. George, where I served my first year as a priest. Been a blessing to walk with her all the way to Brooklyn, NY, where she is a solemnly professed cloistered Sister with the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara.

Sometimes you find glasses that match the strap on your bag and just have to celebrate it.

Corn Maze Fun
Sometimes priesthood requires you to go to the Corn Maze and climb hay bales with the Postulants and Novices. Tough times when visiting the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa.

Marching for Life with Fr. Matthew McCaughey, one of my brother priests in the diocese and one of the best friends a guy could have.

Jesus in the Streets
Celebrating Corpus Christi with a Eucharistic Procession around the campus of St. Ann in Morganza, a beautiful place and a wonderful community whom I was blessed to serve as Pastor.

26.2 Miles
I got a crazy idea in my head of wanting to complete a marathon. My time wasn’t great and I nearly quit several times, but I finished! Maratona di Roma (Rome Marathon) 26.2 miles.

The annual BR March for Life Pilgrimage to D.C. has been a major part of my priesthood. It’s a tough week but a rewarding one, especially the final day when we March for Life to the Capital and Supreme Court with hundreds of thousands of others.

Buen Camino!
Because completing a marathon and bussing my way to pilgrimages wasn’t enough, I decided to walk the Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James) across Spain. I walked around 450 miles over 31 days. Incredible. I swore I’d never do it again. Now I can’t wait to get back.

Solemn High!
May 28, 2021 - 10th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination and the first time I was able to offer a Solemn High Traditional Latin Mass. St. Agnes Server and others showed up strong!

Lamby Hat
One of the many March for Life Pilgrimages. This year we had snow and I bought a Lamby Hat to my head warm.