Holy Land Pilgrimage - The Fourth Day

[update - we had a bonfire & offered confession last night on the shore of the Sea of Galilee - photo below]

Overview: Tabgha, Jordan River, Ain Kerem

We began our last day in Galilee with a quick trip up to Tabgha. This is the site of the multiplication of loaves and the Church of the Primacy of Peter where the question ‘do you love me?’ was asked thrice of St. Peter. We also had the joy of overhearing some Romanian Catholics singing a hauntingly beautiful hymn honoring St. Peter. Our guide also gave a scriptural hint as to why the apostles caught 153 fish - 2 Chronicles 2:17 and the surrounding verses. Go read and think on it!

Continuing our trek, we made our way to the River Jordan at the site of Jesus’ Baptism. It certainly matched the description of a place in the wilderness! After a brief introduction, the scriptures we’re broken open tying together John the Baptist and Elijah the prophet. a reflection from Dr. Sri provided some rich parallels that only help to reinforce claims of Christ and the Church. After that spiritual encouragement, we renewed our baptismal promises and blessed the pilgrims with water from the Jordan. It was a beautiful time being in the place where the Lord made holy the water that made us holy children of God!

After a long bus ride and delicious lunch in Jericho, we arrived in Jerusalem and were greeted by the hustle and bustle of city life. Our afternoon travels brought us to Ain Kerem, where we offered Mass at the Church of the Visitation. A beautiful church honoring that great mystery of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, it houses what tradition holds is the stone that hid the infant John the Baptist during the murder of the holy innocents. The petitions I received were placed there at the stone. On the rush back to the bus (because we’re late for dinner) I briefly stopped at Mary’s spring. I’m not sure what it’s about, but I’ll find out at some point!

One the ‘enjoy the little things’ front: We saw a friendly little feral cat who greeted us in Ain Kerem! AND I got to enjoy some gelato after Mass.

And now - dinner and check-in at our hotel.