Fruits of the Labor
Memento Mori. It’s a Latin phrase that means ‘remember death’ and it’s something countless saints of God have practiced and encouraged over the centuries. It is the invitation for each of us to remember that we are ‘strangers and sojourners’ in this world and that our destiny is Eternal Life. But to enter into the glory we must be judged. I often consider what that moment will be like. Like the servants entrusted with talents that are called to show what they’ve made of them, so too will I be summoned to stand before the Just Judge and give a reckoning for my labors. One consolation is the rare of occasion when I see the fruits of my labors in some way. One such fruit is the reason I was in Brooklyn, NY this weekend. One of my spiritual daughters, Sister Marie Trône du Roi Bethea, SSVM, made her perpetual profession of vows in her religious community, The Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara. A consecrated Bride of Christ, she received her ring and has entrusted herself to her beloved spouse, Christ our God. While the vast majority of the work is hers and the spiritual directors during her time in religious life, I am blessed to have been able to walk with her from the start and to accompany her with my prayers. If nothing else, I will be able to stand before the Lord and say that I have helped one of His brides. I know there are many other fruits - at least I hope so - but I rejoice especially in this one today.
Shown below are Sr. Trône & me after the Mass, Sister Receiving Holy Communion, and Fr. Taylor Reynolds (from Alexandria) and myself with some of the SSVM Sisters from LA.